Talent Management Council


Talent management pursues two basic goals, simultaneously providing labor for the innovative economic market and supply for the scientific society. Colleges for advanced studies and Scientific Students' Associations are important pillars of talent development.
The University Talent Development Council (UTDC) is the operational body of the Senate of Szent István University, which performs the following tasks.
In order to carry out the tasks defined in § 19 (2) of the SZIE SZMR, the UTDC:
  • proposes the distribution of the funds made available for scientific students associations and colleges for advanced studies assignments at the university level,
  • supports the activities of Faculty Scientific Students' Associations,
  • decides on the distribution of funds made available for scientific students' associations  and colleges for advanced studies at the university level and performs coordination tasks related to funding,
  • helps to promote scientific student and advanced college work, to create its professional publicity,
  • helps to publish suitable Scientific Students' Associations dissertations, to utilize their results,
  • ensures the publication of news and events related to Scientific Students' Associations and colleges for advanced studies on the university's website,
  • participates in the collection of funds for the support of Scientific Students' Associations and colleges for advanced studies, maintains contact with the supporters of them,
  • coordinates the activities of colleges for advanced studies.
President of the UTDC: Prof. Dr. Tivadar Szilágyi
Contact ETDC via: etdt@szie.hu